THEME TEXT: II Corinthians 5: 17-18
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God...
Life scars us all in many different ways. We can do something to take care of ourselves, but it is only Jesus’ love and power that can put the pieces back together and protects us. This is an ongoing healing process and the journey of our life. A journey we can take only in His strength.
Young girl, Mother, Father, Teacher, Boyfriend (molester), Jesus
This is a recovery skit, based somewhat on the 12 steps and using straight skitting with musical mime to the song “Book of Days” by Enya. A young girl is playing with a paper doll that symbolizes her “inner child.” As she suffers several types of abuse the doll is ripped by each of her abusers. In the end, she finds healing and protection to set boundaries only with the strength and help of Jesus.