All you need to start your own drama ministry, or put your existing team through a workout, is found in this workshop. Your actors will learn everything from putting together your first skit to practical ways of sharing Jesus after the curtain closes. Christian drama ministry is more than performing an occasional skit for Sabbath School or church, it is a powerful tool for evangelism. In this workshop we take your drama team and teach and/or improve their basic drama skills. Topics we cover are:
A. Staging and Blocking: How to use stage positions
B. Animation: Using your body for expression
C. Vocal Orchestration: How to have and use a stage voice
D. Mime: The art of resistance and body isolation
E. Donning and Dolphing: How To Build A Character
We also provide resources for directors like warm-up games, teaching activities, suggestions on a start up library and we end with putting together a “set” (3) of skits to show you the A.C.T. method of building a program.
Video has also become a fantastic tool for ministry. Today anyone with a cell phone can create, edit and export videos for little to no cost. Since acting for stage and acting for film (yes, we still use that term :-)) are very different, we also offer a focus on those differences and how to act for the camera. If you are interested in creating video content check out our workshop on how to use your cell phone to make Hollywood movies for garage sale prices.