THEME TEXT: Luke 15:1-7
The parable of the lost sheep.
This is a light hearted retelling of the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Those who are represented by the lost sheep have wandered away from God without really knowing it and are unable to find their way back. Their only hope is found in that God Himself searches for them and carries them home.
Actor-1: The Straight Man (should be a female)
Actor-2: The “goof” (should be a male)
Another two man skit from our “Trilogy For The Lost” skit program. A fast paced and humorous retelling of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, complete with sheep ears and shepherds crook! They symbols become clear as the two storytellers show how appropriate indeed is Jesus’ choice of livestock to represent man. Sheep, being the dumbest of all animals, can easily get lost without really meaning too. Especially when they decide they don’t want to be sheep anymore, but a lion! (OK, we took a little liberty with this) But following his own path only leads away from the flock and into being so lost he can’t find his way home. When the shepherd does find the lost livestock he doesn’t scold him, doesn’t expect him to earn his way back into the flock, but picks him up and carries him all the way home.